We want 4Change to be a positive space for all our users. That’s why we recommend:

  • Be cautious sharing personal information, such as your full name, phone number, address, email and financial details (and don’t put any information in your profile).
  • Keep your password secure.
  • Always be respectful and considerate to other users.
  • Seek independent legal advice prior to any commitments.

Report any users who:

  • Send messages containing links to third-party website.
  • Ask for your address under the guise of sending gifts or mail.
  • Remove their profile and then reappear under a different name.
  • Quickly ask to talk, meet up or chat outside of the app.
  • Are under the age of 16.
  • Behave inappropriately on the app or in person.
  • Try to sell you products or services, or ask for money or donations.

Meeting in person? Tips to stay safe

  • Get to know someone before meeting them offline. We don’t conduct criminal background checks on our users, so do your own research and remain cautious.
  • Always meet in busy, public places.
  • Tell a friend or family member who you’re meeting and where you’re going.
  • Don’t get into a vehicle with someone you don’t know.

Delete your account:

  • You may delete your account at any stage by going into the settings page and pressing “Delete your account”. If you wish to delete your account simply go to the app Settings / Account Status and click on the ‘Delete my account’ button. We will then delete your account, your connection and all information we have about you within 48 hours and you will not be able to reactivate your account. If you wish to discuss data deletion or request a copy of your information at any stage simply email us.

4Change will never send you an email asking for your username and password information. Any communication should be reported immediately.

